Friday, April 2, 2010

guys in books are just better

so remember how i'm obsessed with books? i also have crushes on the guys in them. yes i know they are not real. yes i know i will never meet them. but a girl can dream, right? so here are some of my crushes from books with awesomesauce men. and no i am not going to tell anything about them. yes you need to read them for yourself. and they aren't really in any order. except the first one. jace is the best.

1. jace wayland - the mortal instruments series by cassandra clare

2. will blakelee - the last song by nicholas sparks

3. edward cullen - twilight saga by stephenie meyer

4. seth - wicked lovely melissa marr

5. peeta - the hunger games by suzanne collins

6. wes - the truth about forever by sarah dessen

7. will - avalon high by meg cabot

8. jack - the blue blood series by melissa de la cruz

1 comment:

  1. may i add. ian from the host. holy effing hot.

    love this list. even though i've only read twilight... looks like i have some catching up to do!
