Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Things I LOVE! <3

Ten things I love Today (not necessarily in any particular order)
1. Grapes: They are like little melons!
2. Water Bottles: I always have one on me. They're just so great and fun!
3. Books: They are fabulous! You can immerse your self in a whole other world!
4. Sunflower Seeds: Another thing I always have!
5. Stars: They're so sparkly and HAPPY! They remind me that there's something more!
6. Dance Parties: I'm a spaz...therefore I love to dance. :D
7. School: I'm really bored and kind of wish I was in school right now. I dislike NOT learning things....so therefore right now I love school.
8. Phones: For reals, I would have hated to live in a time where it took longer than 30 seconds to reach someone.
9. Babies: I want one. But alas I shall have to wait a while longer. For now I shall make do with friend's babies!
10. Nail Polish: Well I pretty much buy a new color everytime I go to Wal-Mart. And if you even knew how much I use nail polish you would understand that it's not even a waste of money.
The End!

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